Province, Mary, Mother of the Americas
Recent Seminarian and Profession of Vows Photos Here


When someone asks what we do for a living, we explain that we are La Salette Missionaries. Their next question often is 'What is a La Salette?' For all those who have similar questions, we want to share with you the 'who, what, where, when and how' of our own religious community.
Entrance Information

The Purpose of Our Formation Program:
The goal of our entire formation program is for the person to reach full maturity and form a well- developed personality capable of meeting the needs of community life and the mission of the Church. We integrate our La Salette charism of reconciliation with the human, intellectual and Gospel values crucial to a happy community life and fulfilling ministry.
Formation is a time of reflection, assessment and discovery. Through this process, both the candidate and his spiritual directors strive, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to discover the will of God for the person.
First Step: Affiliation
(Inquiry or Initial Connection):
The first step in discernment is to contact a local La Salette Missionary or speak with the La Salette Vocation Director, ( who can offer information about the La Salette Missionaries, their life, mission and ministries. With the Vocation Director, you will discuss the decision-making and application process, as well as requirements. All this happens while you continue your work or schooling.
Second Step: Candidacy
(Experience of La Salette Community Life & Formal Application)
This step involves two stages:
A brief live-in experience: This is completed at a designated La Salette House and lasts at least one month. It also involves assessments by the candidate and the community in which he lives.
Complete a formal application: This includes writing an autobiographical submission and application form, academic transcripts, financial reports, letters of recommendation, a criminal history background check, medical examinations, and psychological testing.
After all the materials are submitted to the Vocation Director, the completed application is read by the Review Board and its recommendations are sent to the Provincial, who makes the final decision about the admission of the candidate.

Third Step—Postulancy
(Preparation for Entrance):
This step requires a full live-in experience and involves becoming a full-time member of a La Salette Formation Community with a proximate preparation for the Novitiate. Ordinarily postulancy lasts from six months to two years and begins with a formal ceremony of acceptance.
Faith development through adult education classes is encouraged during this time. Prerequisite studies may be allowed. However, it is not appropriate for the postulant to have a full-time job or be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student.
Postulancy also allows the Community to reach an initial judgment concerning the candidate’s life of faith, the sincerity of his interest, and his potential to progress towards a greater maturity.
Toward the end of the Postulancy and upon recommendation of his Director, the postulant can present his request for admission to the Novitiate to the Provincial.
Fourth Step—Novitiate
(Experience of the Vowed Life & Entrance Into Our Community):
The Novitiate year is described in the La Salette Rule of Life as:
"The Novitiate increases the candidate’s understanding of the mystery of Christ and the role of Mary so that his whole life may be imbued with the spirit of the Gospel.
It leads the candidate to appreciate and live the religious life and to be penetrated by the mystery of reconciliation and the relevance of the teaching put forth in the La Salette event.
It provides a setting for prayer, reflection and study, an intensive experience of community life and formative apostolic activity. Thus the candidate will be equipped to commit himself freely and maturely to the life and mission of the Congregation.” (Rule of Life, 34)
During the novitiate, the novice begins to live the life of the vows in community, and learns the history, traditions and spirituality of the La Salette Missionaries. The novice participates in an evaluation process twice a year, including a self-evaluation and an evaluation by the Director of Novices.
Toward the end of the Novitiate, upon recommendation of his Director, the Novice can present his request for admission to temporary commitment to the Provincial.

Fifth Step—Post-Novitiate
(Theological Studies and Ministerial Experience):
The La Salette Rule of Life describes this step as:
“Post-novitiate formation provides the new member with new opportunities for his human and religious development and leads him to perpetual commitment in the consecrated life of the Congregation. It provides for the need of integrating within himself theory and practice, faith and life, prayer and pastoral involvement.” (Rule of Life, 35)
The primary thrust of this level is continued preparation for ministry and support in the living of religious life. The newly professed takes on a full share of the life of his community. This program includes both candidates for priesthood as well as those who are brothers; thus the following areas are defined:
The student in temporary commitment ordinarily renews his vows every year, on or about the anniversary of his profession. At the end of the period of temporary commitment, the member can request to be admitted to perpetual profession.
Priest: A vowed La Salette who wishes to live religious life as a Priest must first complete at least three years of theology, a course in homiletics, and receive perpetual vows. Then the student, with the recommendation of the director, may request ordination to the Deaconate. Request for ordination to the priesthood may be made during the Deaconate.
Brother: A vowed La Salette who wishes to live religious life as a Brother also is required to continue his theological and pastoral studies for three years before entering full-time ministry.
Evaluations: The above transitions require evaluations completed by both the student and his Director of Formation in cooperation with the Provincial Council.
Do you feel drawn to a special life centered in community, prayer and ministry to others?
Are you willing to share your unique gifts and talents in a life of service and reconciliation?
The La Salette Priests and Brothers minister in 30 countries throughout the world. For more information, please contact our National Vocation Director at 508-342-0556 or
The Sisters of Our Lady of La Salette have nearly 200 members serving in eight countries (France, Brazil, Madagascar, Philippines, USA, Poland, Angola and Myanmar). They answer the call of Christ to a life in community, of prayer, self-offering, and active presence among those who are in need. Throughout their lives, they serve as witnesses to the call of Christ to reconciliation and conversion. For more information on their formation program, please contact